14 Hottest Movies coming on 2017 AERTICLE SOURCE Soho House Could 2017 ever top the cinematic sexual delights of last year? After all, 2016 was the year that gave us a graphic food orgy in Sausage Party and Ryan Reynolds getting pegged in Deadpool. Well, fear not amorous readers – 2017 gave as good as it got rewarding us pervs with some of the sexiest movies of the decade. There’s literally something for everyone in 2017’s sexiest films, from a bit of slap and tickle to touching gay romances and from cannibalism to alien tentacle sex. Yes, you read that last part right. Just a head’s up: not all the films featured here are necessarily the cream of the crop, critical acclaim-wise, but they’re entertaining enough and more importantly sexy enough for the consideration of discerning film pervs. Likewise, not all the movie here are that explicit. Sometimes all we need to get our rocks off is a sexy costume, a bit of skin or simmering sexual tension. But we weren’t lyin...